Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Health Programs Review - Fat Loss - Beer belly problem


Beer belly problem most men over 30, and younger age. It should be clarified that there is no "beer" or "bakery" stomachs. A man can not drink beer, but the belly is still there.

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss

Why is that? Why the beer belly, because the same "belly" may occur due to normal eating?

The fact is that the beer contributes to the deposition of fat, which begins in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, more popularly called the man a beer belly. So, in order to remove the stomach, man needs to answer the question: "what are the causes of stomach? '. By eliminating the cause, it will be easier to eliminate the consequences.

Causes of stomach in men?

Overeating (as well as the frequent use of products such as beer) is the main problem that leads to excess weight gain in men. Lack of physical activity in conjunction with overeating, lack of physical activity also leads to rapid weight gain, which begins in men with abdominal cavity age - Keys to weight loss. Article resource by Health Programs Review.

With age, the metabolism and the various processes occurring in the body, slowing down, this gives a good basis for the deposition of fat. Moreover, as men age decreased testosterone controls the deposition of fat. As it turns out, beer belly is not only aesthetic, but brings harm to its owner. High levels of estrogen in men contribute to the deposition of fat in the body of a man on the female type.

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